Our fees are set according to the service we provide and reflect the quality of our care and work. We have endeavored to keep our fees affordable whilst maintaining the quality and standard of our care.
We believe control over our health and peace of mind that the very best is being done is the top priority.
We all want
- The very best care, with quality work that will last
- to understand any problems we might have
- to have a say and a choice in what is done
- not to have someone else assume we want the cheapest and quickest.
- personal service, to feel we are really known as a person
- the health care provider to spend time focused on us, and not rush things through.
We understand that patients are afraid of unforeseen expenses and not being fully informed. After an initial comprehensive or emergency appointment with our Dentists, all exact fees will be discussed and a printed quote, with relevant item numbers for health fund claims, will be provided on request.

Our fees are as follows:
- No GAP check up, clean, xrays and fluoride with claimable private dental insurance for all patients
- Emergency dentist appointment including one x-ray: $100
- We accept the child medicare benefit scheme of $1000 and claim on the spot