Zoom Professional Teeth Whitening

We offer ZOOM professional whitening. It’s an efficient, safe way to whiten your teeth using the latest technology in as little as an hour.


Zoom whitespeed is the only in-office system that has variable intensity settings so each treatment can be customised to maximise patient comfort. The system also includes desensitisers to help minimise sensitiviy and protect your enamel.

Professional teeth whitening with Philips Zoom is safe, effective pain-free, teeth whitening treatment used by over 10 million people worldwide.

Zoom Teeth Whitening Killara
whats involved in teeth whitening

Whats involved?

We recommend having a check up, clean, and x-rays if required prior to considering teeth whitening. Decay, gum disease and plaque  need to be resolved prior to considering having whitening as the gel used may interact adversely with the gums and teeth and exacerbate your condition.

How is The Procedure Performed?

We do a before photo and determine the shade of the teeth before we start. We then isolate the teeth using a mouthpiece, liquid dam and gauze to ensure the whitening will only be concentrated on the teeth and not anywhere else in the mouth. Once done the whitening gel is mixed and applied topically to the front surface of the teeth to be whitened. A special UV lamp is then used to activate the gel for 15mins. This process is repeated 3 to 4 times depending on  your desired outcome and how you are feeling during the procedure.

What to Expect?

You will notice a visible result immediately after the procedure. We recommend avoiding any foods and drink that stains for 24 hours after the procedure. You will still brush and clean your teeth like normal. The teeth may be slightly sensitive for a few hours after the procedure and we recommend applying a desensitising gel that we provide for that.

In Chair Teeth Whitening in Killara

How long does it last?

The results can last up to 12 months and even years after depending on your diet and habits. Having foods and drink that are prone to staining will reduce the time the results will last.

Zoom Teeth whitening case

Before: A patient presented with discolcoured teeth

After: After one hour of in chair zoom whitening. Instant results and 8 shades lighter.

*Dr Penchas Clinical study 2011. 1 hour excludes preparation time.

Call us today to arrange an appointment.